Saturday, December 5, 2020

A Coronavirus Thanksgiving

I gathered with family outside my immediate household for Thanksgiving. Even with all the dire warnings, I did it.

There were 7 of us (plus a dog). We all wore masks and ate outside never entering the house except to use the restroom. I even wore gloves when I carved the turkey.


I did see numerous Facebook pictures of family and friends from the holidays (and sometimes large groups of family) not wearing masks.

We all hear about the horror stories of entire families coming down with covid and some people dying, yet people are still gathering and still gathering without masks.

I have one family member who refuses to wear a mask because it does not feel good. I have a friend who says "they" had covid during the summer so "they" can't get it again and are no longer contagious so they don't need to wear a mask. They do have a lingering cough. 

It is hard for me to judge others when I was one of the culprits who visited family. Now I know how Governor Newsome feels for going to a dinner party while telling people to stay home and basically live in isolation.

Fortunately, I had three coronavirus tests last week for work and they all came back negative. My family dodged the proverbial bullet.

I think about single people and the elderly. Is a single person living on their own really not supposed to talk to any friends or family in person for another three to six months until a vaccine is easily accessible? What are they supposed to do at Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day?

The dating scene must really suck right now. 

And if a person has elderly parents, how many more Thanksgivings and Christmas' will they have with them? What if this could be their last one? Can they really not visit?

These are tough decisions we all must make, balancing the risk versus the reward.

I hope that you and your families are healthy and are able to navigate the holidays safely.

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