Sunday, April 30, 2017

Book Review: The Risen

I enjoyed David Anthony Durham's telling of Spartacus' story from the perspective of multiple auxiliary characters from different tribes, Romans and slaves.

The Risen helped me understand the impressiveness of Spartacus' rebellion. Not only did he keep a winning army together for years in a hospitable land, it was an army of unprofessional solders where larger majorities couldn't communicate with each other as they couldn't speak each other's language.

I also liked that the novel started on the night of the breakout rather than on Spartacus' life prior to his capture and time as a gladiator. It really got the novel off to a fast start.

Steven Crossley gave a superb reading, breathing life into Durham's multitude of characters.

While there were many fully described battle scenes, I was a little disappointed that some battles were only talked about after they had happened.

Overall, I really enjoyed The Risen.

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