Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Coronavirus Hope and Disaster

Hope - according to the New York Times the vaccine has been administered to 1.9 million people in the United States as of Saturday.

Disaster - over 330,000 people in the U.S. have died from covid-19. That is more people than the entire city of Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, or St. Louis. It is reported that Los Angeles now has 0 beds available in its ICU and the city has instituted a 10-day quarantine on any travelers visiting or returning to the city.

Coronavirus bomb exploding or its last gasp before being extinguished.

It is as if the virus knows there is a vaccine and is making a last stand to infect as many people as possible on its way out.

I am very fortunate that no one in my family has been infected with the coronavirus. However, there are four people I know along with their family members that have contracted coronavirus within the last two weeks. That is scary close.

Fortunately, I have no condition or situation that would make me high risk for complications. However, that also means I will be last in line for the vaccine unless actors are classified as essential workers. The USA Today said I should be able to receive the vaccine by summer. That seems like forever with infection rates soaring and people around me getting sick. 

Jim Cramer from Mad Money feels there will be a glut of vaccine stocks by the spring as new vaccine manufacturers get their product approved by the FDA. I hope that he is right. First, I do not want to get covid-19. Second, I fear that many countries, states, and employers may require a person to have proof of having been vaccinated in order to travel, go to work, or go to school.

Currently, in Hollywood, everyone has to be tested before they can work on set. The big studios have set up testing facilities for cast and crew and pay them to get tested. However, some smaller productions are asking actors to show proof of a covid-19 test in order to employ you but require you to get tested on your own - unpaid and unreimbursed. I have missed two job opportunities because of this in 2020. 

Hawaii requires a negative coronavirus test in order to visit the state or be subject to a 10-day quarantine.

I foresee a time in the near future where productions will only hire people if they have been vaccinated allowing production to avoid the expense of testing and at the same time ensuring the safety of their sets. I understand this from a business perspective, but it is frustrating for those who can't get the vaccine.

Fortunately, we are not there with yet with vaccine work screenings. Hopefully, Cramer's prediction of a vaccine glut by Spring will come true and everyone who wants to be vaccinated can be without delay.

Take care, be safe, and I hope everyone has a happy and healthy New Year!

Posts Tuesdays

Thursday, December 17, 2020

My Dark Coronavirus Christmas Carol

When I read that a visit from Santa Claus infected 75 people with covid last week, I knew that it was time to share my dark-humored Christmas carol: The 12 Days of Covid. Works best if you sing it rather than just read it.

On the 1st day of covid my true love gave to me, a bat in a Chinese cave

On the 2nd day of covid my true love gave to me, two bottles of bleach

On the 3rd day of covid my true love gave to me, three new tweets

On the 4th day of covid my true love gave to me, four new vaccines 

On the 5th day of covid my true love gave to me, five types of wipes 

On the 6th day of covid my true love gave to me, six stocks a-soaring

On the 7th day of covid my true love gave to me, seven waiters a-swearing

On the 8th day of covid my true love gave to me, eight kids a-zooming

On the 9th day of covid my true love gave to me, nine states closing

On the 10th day of covid my true love gave to me, ten teachers hiding

On the 11th day of covid my true love gave to me, eleven doctors praying

On the 12th day of covid my true love gave to me, twelve nurses crying

Take care and be safe.

Posts weekly

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Coronavirus Vaccine Is Here - Right?

The end is near…in a good way.

The coronavirus vaccine has arrived!

Actually, not here in the US - but in other parts of the world. England vaccinated its first person with the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday. Bahrain has also approved its use.

So when do we get the shot in the U.S.? Can I go to Spain next summer after canceling the trip last summer?

Looking at timelines, I was surprised that it takes approximately 30 days to be protected against the virus from the time you take the first shot. The two part shot has to be taken 3 weeks apart. I did not realize it would take that long. Considering the first to be vaccinated are healthcare workers, the elderly, and people at high risk, it could be well in to the summer before I can get my first shot. There goes Spain.

Looking on the bright side, by the time I am vaccinated any side effects should be ironed out.

It also means that means next summer will be a time for more awesome road trips. I have always wanted to drive across country. Time rack up those free hotel night rewards!

As I finished writing this post, I saw a headline that a FDA panel just approved the Pfizer vaccine for US use. Let the countdown to my vaccination begin.

Take care and be safe.

Posts weekly (usually Tuesday)

Saturday, December 5, 2020

A Coronavirus Thanksgiving

I gathered with family outside my immediate household for Thanksgiving. Even with all the dire warnings, I did it.

There were 7 of us (plus a dog). We all wore masks and ate outside never entering the house except to use the restroom. I even wore gloves when I carved the turkey.


I did see numerous Facebook pictures of family and friends from the holidays (and sometimes large groups of family) not wearing masks.

We all hear about the horror stories of entire families coming down with covid and some people dying, yet people are still gathering and still gathering without masks.

I have one family member who refuses to wear a mask because it does not feel good. I have a friend who says "they" had covid during the summer so "they" can't get it again and are no longer contagious so they don't need to wear a mask. They do have a lingering cough. 

It is hard for me to judge others when I was one of the culprits who visited family. Now I know how Governor Newsome feels for going to a dinner party while telling people to stay home and basically live in isolation.

Fortunately, I had three coronavirus tests last week for work and they all came back negative. My family dodged the proverbial bullet.

I think about single people and the elderly. Is a single person living on their own really not supposed to talk to any friends or family in person for another three to six months until a vaccine is easily accessible? What are they supposed to do at Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day?

The dating scene must really suck right now. 

And if a person has elderly parents, how many more Thanksgivings and Christmas' will they have with them? What if this could be their last one? Can they really not visit?

These are tough decisions we all must make, balancing the risk versus the reward.

I hope that you and your families are healthy and are able to navigate the holidays safely.

Posts weekly