Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Coronavirus Top 10 Accomplishments

Today is the 3-month anniversary of the Los Angeles coronavirus shutdown and I realized that I had accomplished many goals and improved my life in many ways during this time.

  1. Improved My Health - dropped 4 pounds during the coronavirus by walking daily as well as using the free Nike Training Club app and Barry's Instagram lessons. Still haven't lost the inches though.
  2. Reconnected with Wife - as she said to a coworker, our daily walks and talks are like we are dating again. Prior to the quarantine, we rarely saw each other due to work, church, and school commitments.
  3.  Painted Bathroom - something I had wanted to do for years. Who knew it would take me 5 days, but I did it! 
  4.  Improved Cooking - I have always loved to cook, but rarely had time due to work and always being on the go in my personal life. Most amazing dessert I made - strawberry pie. Most interesting learning experience deconstructing a turkey and turning it into 3 different recipes.
  5.  Grew a Coronavirus Beard - I had never grown my beard out for 6 weeks. It came in full and my wife and mother lamented when I shaved it off. I needed to as I was booked for an acting job and I was beardless in my headshot photo. 
  6.  Decluttered My Bedroom - things were stacked in corners and on dressers. It is now a room of peace and tranquility (except for the barking dog next door) where I meditate three times a week.
  7.  Explored Neighborhood - The walks with my wife for the last 3 months have allowed us to explore ours and surrounding neighborhoods finding amazing stores, restaurants, gardens, homes, and even a hidden staircase. 
  8.  Completed Level 4 of the Presentation Mastery Pathway for Toastmasters. Toastmasters is a group dedicated to public speaking and I am now one level away from completing the pathway.
  9. Created Porch Garden - the couple of plants on the porch became a garden with aloe vera, scallions, bell peppers, sage and host of other plants.
  10. A Talent Manager reached out to me to see if we would be a good fit for each other. It wasn't, but I felt that having someone express an interest in representing me based upon my look and my work was a big accomplishment. 

 What is on your list?

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