Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Coronavirus Thank Goodness Not 1918

50 million dead world wide! Life expectancy in the U.S. 39 years old! Most vulnerable population 20-40 year olds.*

Those are the horrifying stats of the Great Influenza Epidemic also known as the Spanish Flu of 1918. 

Masquerade Party, Twilight Zone
In 1918, social distancing, wearing gauze masks in public, closing schools, theaters, churches and businesses happened. But that is about where the similarities between 1918 and 2020 end.

In 1918:
  • Little to no protective equipment for healthcare workers. It was advised to wear a gauze mask in sick rooms
  • No gloves for nurses. Disposable gloves were not invented until 1965
  • Doctors knew viruses existed but had never seen one because there were no electron microscopes, so no vaccines could be created
  • Ventilators did not exist
  • Mortality rate for Influenza was 2.5% for 1918; Cuomo said New York's rate in 2020 is about .5%
  • we have hope - most people believe a vaccine will be developed and the economy will open by fall if not summer
  • we have sick leave, unemployment insurance, Medicare for the poor
  • we have Instacart, Ubereats, and Amazon
  • we also have TV and even better-NETFLIX!

To conclude, be very happy that we are living today versus 1918.

Take care and be safe.

Posts Tuesday and Saturday


Anna said...

Thank you for that comparison! Puts things into perspective and yes, we definitely have it better now than before. Will you continue to write in this blog until our society opens up completely? I hope so!

John Peters II said...

That is the plan. It has helped keep me in touch with what is going on and how it has affected me and I hope through this, I hope it helps and/or entertains others.