Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Coronavirus Border Changes, What To Do?

One day the news is filled with people advocating for the removal of restrictions on the economy and the next day it is filled with advocates wanting more restrictions on people's movements.

Madrid, Spain
Mexico, Canada, and the United States agreed to extend their border closure to nonessential travel through May 20, 2020.

Spain canceled its running of the bulls celebration this summer and Germany canceled Oktoberfest in Munich.

Royal Caribbean Cruises said that their moratorium on sailings has been extended to June 11,2020.

Trump put a 60-day stop on immigration into the United States.

People in Hawaii are asking mainlanders not to visit.

Segovia, Spain
This takes me back to an earlier post asking when can we travel again. While countries throughout the world are debating loosening economic restrictions including domestic travel, it appears that international travel will be locked down for the foreseeable future.

European leaders are calling for a summit to discuss the travel industry as it relates to coronavirus issues in September or October. If they're not going to be ready to discuss international travel issues until that time, I cannot imagine non-essential travel to Europe being allowed prior to that date.

I have yet to cancel my July trip to Spain in the hope of a miraculous turnaround, but know that the likelihood of my planning, mileage award accumulations, and bookings will have to be undone.

Puerto Nuevo, Mexico
Looking south of the border, Mexico's coronavirus cases are soaring. Allowing people from the country with the most cases in the world, the U.S., to travel to their country any time soon also seems highly unlikely. There goes my June Cabo trip.

Will campgrounds in the U.S. reopen this summer? Plenty of physical distance there. Usually, you are only close to people in the restrooms or the grocery stores. Not much different from restrictions we are living under now.

Today, I made a reservation for a Mammoth campground as a backup trip. A gamble I know, but we can't be locked down in our homes through July, can we?

Take care and be safe.

Posts Tuesday and Saturday


Anna said...

I regret to say that we had to cancel our Yellowstone trip since it won't open yet. The only silver lining my husband shared is that there is a lot of xenophobia right now so probably better to stay at home than be a victim of a hate crime.

John Peters II said...

Thank you for the comment. I agree about the xenophobia. It is one of my concerns about traveling to Mexico or Spain if we are javascript:void(0)able to go right after the borders open. People might be scared of outsiders.