Monday, April 13, 2020

Coronavirus Lessening Restrictions

Brighter days ahead?

"Spain and Italy preparing to begin lifting restrictions as fatalities continue to decrease…" -  People

"Cuomo says he believes 'the worst is over'…" - Al Jazerra

"…improving China trade data." - CNN

(links to full articles below)

While the headlines are saturated with the negative consequences of the coronavirus - lockdowns, deaths, companies shuttering, the stories above and a number of others indicate that there are good times ahead.

China began lifting restrictions last week.Spain and Italy are starting this week. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it is over. Far from it. Restrictions are still in place in all three countries. But these countries are providing a glimpse of how life may slowly return to normal in the United States and the consequences.

One of the first things that happened in Wuhan, China was 50,000 citizens fled the city. That gave me pause. If the city was over the virus, why are its citizens fleeing.

Pictures of Spain showed police and metropolitan employees handing out masks to their very few passengers.

Some people say its too early. We need to have a vaccine in place before restrictions can be lifted.

The coronavirus era has been intense, but it is not unheard of.

On Joe Rogan's podcast, his guest remembered the Hong Kong Flu of 1968. According to the CDC, it killed 1,000,000 globally and 100,000 in the U.S., mostly individuals 65 and older. This virus continues to circulate worldwide as seasonal influenza A today.  Ten years before that flu, the Asian Flu had similar mortality statistics.

With swine flu in 2009, people were told to stay home if sick. I remember this one. It sickened one of my coworkers who I am thankful to say made a full recovery. This flu actually killed more people younger than 65 as well as those who were pregnant because the theory goes, they had not been exposed to the pandemic of the 60's. Yet, the economy did not shutdown. People were told not to go to work if sick, but that was the extent of the restrictions in my daily life. The CDC also stated this virus continues to circulate around the world as a seasonal flu virus.

Considering two of the most virulent pandemic viruses of the past 50 years are still circulating around the world getting people sick, waiting for a coronavirus vaccine before reopening the economy doesn't sound possible.

What happens during the next pandemic? More months of economic lockdown? Can the world economies afford another economic lockdown?

Current worldwide coronavirus deaths are 119,666 and in the U.S. 23,604 according to Wikipedia tonight.

When does the U.S. lift restrictions? Definitely a thorny issue. Government employees and politicians are definitely earning their salaries.

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