Monday, March 23, 2020

Tacos With Toilet Paper

Buca Di Beppo

"Every order comes with a free roll of toilet paper," said the email from Los Gringos Locos mexican restaurant.

"Meals sealed for safety," said the email from Buca di Beppo.

"...grab your favrorite sauce, some penne, and a bottle of wine to relax tonight!" said Charlie's Trio on their Instagram page.

Thank goodness for technology and social media.

Can you imagine if the coronavirus hit prior to the year 2000? Before social media and online marketing were thing? Before Uber, Postmates, and Doordash?

How would these restaurants advertise they were still open - especially the independents?  Flyers? Buying radio and tv air time? Or relying on people blindly phoning numbers in the good old Yellow Pages to see if they were open?
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I think that all three social media messages were effective. The first one focused on levity, the second on safety, and the third on tranquility. I've purchased from two of these establishments based on the messages and I'm sure I will purchase from the third before the week is out.

I've been very concerned about how restaurants would survive under the stay-at-home restrictions. I have always heard that restaurant margins are thin. How are they paying rent with no dine-in customers? I read on Eater that restaurants are hoping for government assistance to help with rent and other costs*,  but  I imagine there will be fewer restaurants, especially independents, once the coronavirus blows over. And if the government institutes a full lockdown like in China and Italy? What then?

Unless that doomsday scenario happens, I am impressed by how effective restaurants are in using technology to advertise to their customers and to continue to remain open.

Image result for los gringos locos la canada
As we all scout for food for our tables, don't forget take out and delivery, not just to vary your diet and
avoid doing dishes, but to support your local restaurants so they are around once the stay-at-home orders are lifted.

Besides, who doesn't need a free roll of toilet paper nowadays.

Take care and be safe.

Posting schedule: Monday, Thursday, Saturday

1 comment:

Anna said...

Love the title of this post! I'm glad you brought this subject up about supporting local eateries during this time. We also started to do this twice a week whereas prior to Covid-19, we hardly ate out. It is now one of our pleasures to eat out and see who else we can support. We've gone to Flying Rice, Sal's Pizza & Bagels, Pho Ha Noi and Mr. Fish. Luckily these joints didn't have to use toilet paper to lure me in.