Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus: A Time of Reflection and Growth

"What will you accomplish once this crisis is over?"

A Barrys' fitness instructor, a meditation expert, and a voice over coach each ended their online live stream sessions with a similar question.
Now that most of us are restricted to our households for work and play, this is an excellent time to reflect upon what you want to accomplish and how you will get there mentally, physically, and spiritually.

When I heard the question the first time, I realized what an opportunity this was to plan my future. That question also expanded my mind from looking at the here and now - looking at the walls of my house, planning food runs, and staring at my cellphone - to envisioning what exciting things the future held.

My first thought was seeing my friends on a sunny set and securing my first SAG voucher.

The meditation expert's next question was, "What is your ultimate goal?"

My thoughts morphed into getting a speaking part. Then it was to be a regular on a show, finally ending with an Oscar in hand. Not the one I held at the Warner Brothers Museum a month ago, but my very own.

She followed up with, "How will you feel once you obtain your ultimate goal? Feel that right now and walk through your day with that feeling."

That was truly an amazing feeling. When you have a goal, then you can make a plan. When you have a plan, then you can move forward, out of the mental confines of your living room.
What will you do once the coronavirus crisis ends? What do you want to make happen? What will you accomplish?

Start preparing today.

Take care and be safe.

Post schedule: Monday, Thursday, Saturday

1 comment:

Anna said...

Thank you so much for starting this blog and telling us all your goals. It's very inspirational and I needed that because it's been very hard for me to get motivated since this all started. But a great reminder to us all to start preparing! This in indeed the time to ponder and reflect and that I shall do.