Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Coronavirus Escape

Camping last weekend reaffirmed my belief that life is still awesome during the coronavirus epidemic.

During the weekend we hiked, kayaked, took silly pictures, built cairns and campfires, told stories, and had great meals in the beautiful outdoors. 

The only time I was concerned was when we sat down with our dinner at the outdoor patio of a restaurant and the table had not been wiped down. My wife put some sanitizer on the table and we wiped it down ourselves. Better safe than sorry. 

People wore masks when they were around others. The cafes, stores, and kayak rental shop enforced wearing them. People in the campground wore them when they were close to others i.e. at the bathroom.

We had an amazing time. One of the best things was the lack of a tv so there was no news about politics, protests, or coronavirus. 

So enjoy yourselves, just apply the 3 basic rules: use a mask, social distance, and wash your hands. 

Posts Tuesdays

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