Tuesday, November 6, 2018

My New Book! From Lions to Pharaohs

Now Available! 

From Lions to Pharaohs is now available in paperback and Kindle through Amazon.com!  Click here:



If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Two exotic destinations swirl in John’s mind. Destination #1: Embark upon an African safari to watch herds of elephants moving unhindered across wide open plains, to photograph lions chasing zebras, and to float in a hot air balloon over sweeping savannahs. Destination #2: Explore Egypt, land of the pharaohs. As a history buff, John imagines climbing the great pyramids, descending into the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, and cruising down the Nile like an Indiana Jones adventure.

Which experience to choose?

Fortunately, his wife likes both ideas and wisely suggests, “If we are going all that way to explore one country, we should go to both! We don’t know when we will have this opportunity again.

With that answer began the planning of a 20-day exploration of these two fascinating countries. The two books in this series detail their exciting adventure filled with amazing wildlife, awe-inspiring monuments of Egypt, and insights into modern life.

He hopes that after reading these books, you will be inspired and entertained as well as have a deeper understanding of the people, their history, and the daily life in these countries, which are both similar and very different from our own.

From Lions to Pharaohs is a two-book series. Book 1, available now, is based on Kenya while book 2 is based on Egypt and will be released in 2019.

To order paperback or Kindle version:  Click Here 

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