Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Revolt Over Healthcare?

I really don't get some of these whacked out comments opponents of health care reform are spewing. I’m not advocating that the White House’s healthcare plan is a good one, I'm only saying here that SOME of the opponents to the plan are really scary.

“One day God will stand before you and judge you!" one man shouted at Senator Specter at a town hall meeting today. (CNN)

What does God have anything to do with passing a healthcare reform bill? Videos on You Tube, posted messages on AOL and discussions on talk radio all have someone blabbing about how God will send someone to hell for passing a law?

I can understand rational concerns and arguments with costs, whose covered, what’s covered, whose gonna pay for it and what specific plan the White House is putting forth, but threatening a politician with eternal damnation for passing a bill….come on, really?

A woman to Senator Fieser, "If they don't let us vent our frustrations out, they will have a revolution." (CNN)

A revolution over healthcare? What about a revolution against the capitalist system that is feeding billions of taxpayer dollars to the financial giants while the unemployment rate soars, wages drops and extravagant executive bonuses continue? Not that I’m advocating a revolution, but saying the American people will rise up and overthrow the government because we want to keep our current healthcare system is incredible. Her employer must pay for her healthcare or she’s on welfare and receives free medical treatment.

Before Obama got elected, one of the major concerns of Americans was healthcare costs and insurance companies denying people the care they required and people were clamoring for healthcare reform. Even a libertarian I knew wanted government to take on the healthcare burden in order to free up American businesses from the overwhelming cost of providing healthcare to their employees so they could be more competitive in the global market where foreign competitors don't have to worry about these costs.

One of the arguments I’m hearing is that government run healthcare will trample our constitutional rights. I'm not sure which constitutional rights the goverment would be trampling by providing healthcare to its citizens, but I didn’t hear this kind of venom from these sudden constitutional advocates when the Department of Homeland Security was created, secret detention camps and warrantless wire tapping were exposed, or laws were passed allowing the detention of suspects without trial.

And what about Medicare or Social Security? I’ve heard no one say these are horribly run programs that trample our constitutional rights and should be scrapped. I think if we did, the senior citizens of America would revolt.

Didn’t I just say having a revolt over healthcare is ludicrous; maybe it’s not so farfetched after all.

A final note, if insurance companies are dumping hundreds of millions of dollars to defeat this healthcare proposal, doesn't it stand to reason that the insurance companies stand to make exponentially more if it fails and that can only mean bad things for consumers, right?

Here is an interesting video by Keith Olbermann (the last two minutes are great):

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