Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Coronavirus The Heat

Coronavirus you are so mean! 

A heat wave has settled over Southern California for over a week and is forecast to last another two. 98 degrees today in South Pasadena. What do people do when it is hot? They go to the movies, the mall, the museum, eat inside a restaurant, basically go anywhere there is air conditioning. Thanks to the coronavirus all of those options are cancelled.

How about a nice hike? You would have to go really high up to find some relief. Last weekend Lake Arrowhead was 88 degrees at 5,174 feet - still a bit warm.  Big Bear was a little more comfortable at 82 degrees, but they were also having scattered thunderstorms. That would make hiking even more uncomfortable. And again, you can't go inside anywhere to escape the rain or heat.

Being in Southern California, we are blessed with golden beaches and the cool Pacific Ocean. Only issue is millions of other Angelenos would probably be headed that way as well - covid be darned. The temperature at Manhattan Beach last weekend was forecasted to be 86 degrees. So unless you were in the water all day, you will be broiling on the sand. And even if you braved the crowds and sun, once there you would still have to eat your lunch or drink your Starbucks outside.


Maybe my teenagers who sleep during the heat of the day and stay up during the cooler evenings night have it right. Night surfing anyone?


Note - I did go to Manhattan Beach yesterday despite my fears of crowds and heat. I took my boogie board and had a grand time. The weather was a hazy overcast all morning keeping the temperature in the upper 70s and it was not that crowded. Perhaps Angelenos had the same fears I had and stayed home making traffic a breeze. 

Lots of times one's fears are overblown and once you do something you realize its not so bad. 

Another good thing is theoretically the coronavirus dies in the sun. So if you brave the heat outside, almost everything thing you touch will be sanitized.  


Fortunately, in California we have a "dry" heat which means we avoid the humidity of the east coast making life more bearable than many other unfortunate souls. My son remarked yesterday, "Dad, remember how when we stepped out of the airport at JFK and our shirts immediately clung to our bodies." 

"Yes, I do," I said and laughed counting my blessings as we sat on the sand watching the waves.

I will take the California heat anytime - but that coronavirus is really trying my patience.


Take care and be safe.


Posts Tuesday and Saturday

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