Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The U.S. - The New Banana Republic

We have reached a new low in American politics. The office of the U.S. Presidency has been tarnished. The President can no longer address his fellow Americans from the Capitol without worrying about hecklers waiting to cut him off at the knees.

And to be clear this wasn't like some foreigner throwing a shoe at our President. This was a Congressman, Joe Wilson, in our Capitol - supposedly an outstanding member of society - calling our President a liar in the middle of a speech with the world watching.

I'm okay with talk shows, news radio and others picking apart Obama's speech or any President's speech for that matter, but not mid-speech. That is just down right rude and ill-mannered. I'd be embarrassed if that was my Congressman. But unfortunately, some people are already looking up to this disrespectful man.

John and Ken, a pair of conservative talk show hosts, said afterwards they were glad someone finally stood up and called him a liar in front of everyone.

I think Congressman Wilson thought he was at some town hall meeting where he could shout down a fellow Congressman, not the Capitol addressing the President of the U.S.

What is going on with these weirdos and why are people sticking up for them? For example, when the President announced he wanted to address the students of the nation like President Bush and Ronald Reagan did before him, Republican Congressmen and Senators were screaming that he was trying to push a socialist agenda onto our children. Some school districts even banned the broadcast. Excuse me. I never heard one liberal state that when President Bush was video taped reading to children in a classroom on 9/11 that he was trying to push a conservative agenda onto them. After Obama's speech to the children, many of the Republicans who had criticized him recanted saying it a was a good speech with a good message.

So any child who watched the President give the school speech yesterday and liked it, how you can rise up from humble beginnings to achieve your dreams, just say that same President be called a liar in front of the entire world.

With policitians such as Joe Wilson in Congress, we'll soon be another Korea or Moscow with legislatures coming to blows in the aisles.

Truly, a sad day to be an American.

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