Sunday, July 5, 2009

Transformers 2 - for kids?

Today, I took my son to see Transformers 2 to celebrate his 8 year-old birthday with four of his 8-year-old friends (one was 7 and a half). I gave the parents the PG-13 disclaimer and also a caution I received from someone who'd seen the movie that there was a lot of foul language. All the kids showed up.


The boys loved it! They couldn't stop talking about the different robots and all of the fighting as they walked out of the theater pretending to be the different robots. Three other boys between 6 and 8 were play fighting by the door as we left. So from the kids POV, the movie got a 10.

From an adult perspective - one father said afterwards that his mind was still spinning from all the fighting. Yes, there was a lot of it, especially like the entire last hour.

The movie was entertaining. Yes, I enjoyed the first movie better - it was brand new and I think the fighting was better choreographed: you could always understand who punched who, who did what in a fight and so on. Sometimes there were so many robots and humans fighting all over the place in this one it became a jumble - I guess like a real war. And was that last hour ever a real war (the kids were jumping up in down in their seats when the bad transformers squared off against the good guys just before everyone opened fire).

I enjoyed the movie. Was it good for kids? It really wasn't any worse than the first one in terms of scary stuff.

The bad language, yes there was some, but it wasn't excessively vulgar.

The violence was the same, just more and longer battles.

Sexual situations - nothing really any worse than the first one.

The mild reference to drugs - I'd say 90% of 8 year olds would have no idea they were talking about drugs when the reference came up in the context that it did.

I'd say if your kid is 8 and up and liked the first Transformers movie, he shouldn't have a problem with this one. If he's under 8, it depends on your child's mindset. As I said, I wouldn't take my 6 year old son, but I'll definitely let him watch it on DVD. The rationale for this, the robot violence and loud sound for him would be too overwhelming in a theater, but on a small screen, he'd be fine with it. My 8-year-old son would've had no problem with the sound and violence in a theater when he was six. It depends on your son's mindset, tolerance for loud noises and maturity.

That being said - the kids I went with today loved it and they are no worse for wear.

1 comment:

Glynis Peters said...

Our friend's lad watched it, he is 8, he felt the same as your lads.
It was not for me I am afraid.